February 2025
It’s Purple Month!! Every day in the month of February, I wear purple (you may recall this from last year) to continue a tradition my twin and I started oh, soo many years ago and to honor her memory & the fun times we had together. It would tickle me so if you’d join me on this challenge—especially on Shabbat on the 21st—showing that we are community’d together!!
So…we are back…after almost a month being on the road (in the air; on the water) for a wonderful break from obligations at home, Rick and I have returned. If only ‘home’ didn’t suffer so greatly while we were gone. What an incredible bag of mixed emotions we experienced. I’m sure you can imagine. But, while we were gone: We explored Spain, visiting the Jewish sectors as much as time would allow; learning from others and traveling both on land and on sea (cruising). Two Shabbats were on the ship and both were celebrated with a proper oneg (Manischewitz wine, challah and electric shabbat candles) and about 35 other Jews who came together to celebrate. Amongst the group were two rabbis; one from Israel and one from MD. I found Rabbi Jonathan (MD) incredibly delightful as he unwound some sections of the parsha with a storytelling-like style; very captivating to say the least. We found ourselves enjoying many of the ship’s activities with Rabbi Jonathan and his wife Jane; shows, dining events, etc. The additional interesting thing about Rabbi Jonathan is that he is a chaplain for the prison system in Maryland—something that should tickle those who are reading the February Book Club selection. (The Prison Minyan by Jonathan Stone) This was such a great read—I enjoyed it greatly while on the ship. And guess what? Rabbi Jonathan and wife Jane are in the midst of reading it now too! Are you? Book Club is meeting on February 27th so there’s plenty of time to get a copy and finish it.
I’m so very happy to share that Sheila is doing wonderfully, post hip surgery, as of this writing. This woman is incredible and ALWAYS sees her glass as ½ full. Oh, the lessons Sheila can share with all of us!!
On Sunday, February 9th, Torah School will have an Open House to introduce teacher Hayley to those who have not yet had a chance to meet her. She’s delightful. That’s proven by the enthusiasm that our Torah School kids have for coming each week to learn the virtues and values of Judaism---and Hebrew too! Torah School is open to children ages 5-12, so please share this information with your family, friends and neighbors to come and mingle. Word has it that Cantor Mitzi is going to be with us too….should be an amazing afternoon from 2pm until 4pm. And yes!! We will have a bouncey house for the kiddies!
I walked around our JCO building the other day and noticed how badly it needs a good paint job. We will be looking for a painter who will be easy on our budget as well as do a good job. If you know of any one, please send an email to either Rick or to me.
Our Bunco game is scheduled for February 19th; Mens Group is scheduled for February 20th; Rumikub is scheduled for February 13th---Community’d!!
I hear we are working on a Tu’Bishvat Oneg Seder for February 14th. This is going to be a very special shabbat since Sheila and Rick will be leading it together—such sweethearts!
Don’t forget that we will, again, have both a Friday night service on February 28 AND a Saturday morning service on March 1st. Both services have been welcomed by many so I invite you to attend both or either one. Saturday morning’s service will be followed by a potluck oneg brunch and then Torah Study. Incidentally, according to Webster, the definition of potluck is “a meal or party to which each of the guests contributes a dish”. Let’s all practice this method when we have a potluck meal….okay?
One last thing; our Jewish Community of Ojai is collecting Judaica pieces (used or new) to give to Jewish families that have been affected by the recent fires. I know we typically gather clothes and such, but somehow, this call-to-action seems more appropriate. If you are so moved, please bring your items to our Library no later than the morning of February 28th.
Until next month….
B’Shalom---and thank you for being a part of our Jewish community here in the Ojai area.