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JCO Book Club

Thu, Jan 25


Location will be announced after sign up

Somethin’s comin’, somethin’ great.. No, not West Side Story…even better. It’s the JCO Book Club! Come to the inaugural meeting and be part of the founding team - help create the Book Club of your dreams.

JCO Book Club
JCO Book Club

Time & Location

Jan 25, 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Location will be announced after sign up

About the event

This wonderful idea is the brain child of Louise, one of our newest members! She has this to say to you:

This will be a discussion group, open to everyone! And we’ll be reading books with either Jewish content or Jewish authors (or both).

At our opening meeting, we’ll need to decide several things: when we will regularly meet (day AND time), what will be the first book we’ll discuss (in February),

how we will decide which books to read, and who will lead the monthly discussions.

So, lots to think about. 

I’m looking forward to meeting more members of JCO, reading more books, and discussing them with you!

Louise (new member of JCO as of 3 months ago)

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